(DMCISProcedure) |
03.11.2016 01:00:02 |
Procedure SK
(DMCISProcedureSK) |
07.03.2024 02:01:19 |
Procedure Combination
(DMCISProcedureCombination) |
25.05.2020 01:00:17 |
Procedure SK Combination
(DMCISProcedureSKCombination) |
03.07.2019 01:00:27 |
Declaration Type
(DMCISDeclarationType) |
08.10.2021 01:01:14 |
(DMCISDeclaration) |
01.02.2016 09:33:08 |
Package Kind
(DMCISPackageKind) |
01.07.2016 01:01:16 |
(DMCISCurrency) |
28.05.2024 02:01:46 |
Delivery Type
(DMCISDeliveryType) |
19.12.2019 01:00:57 |
Region SK
(DMCISRegionSK) |
03.05.2016 01:01:18 |
Transaction Nature
(DMCISTransactionNature) |
21.01.2022 01:00:03 |
Transport Mode
(DMCISTransportMode) |
01.02.2016 09:33:13 |
(DMCISPreference) |
18.01.2018 01:00:07 |
Document Category
(DMCISDocumentCategory) |
01.02.2016 09:33:14 |
Document Type
(DMCISDocumentType) |
20.12.2018 01:00:47 |
Additional Data
(DMCISAdditionalData) |
28.12.2022 02:01:04 |
Delivery Location Type
(DMCISDeliveryLocationType) |
01.02.2016 09:33:15 |
Validation Method
(DMCISValidationMethod) |
13.05.2016 01:00:16 |
Tax Type
(DMCISTaxType) |
01.02.2016 09:33:16 |
Paymant Type
(DMCISPaymentType) |
01.02.2016 09:33:17 |
Responsible Agency
(DMCISResponsibleAgency) |
01.02.2016 09:33:18 |
Custom Office
(DMCISCustomOffice) |
17.02.2025 02:01:54 |
Licence Customs Warehouse Type
(DMCISLicenceCustomsWarehouseType) |
23.02.2024 02:00:04 |
Control Result
(DMCISControlResult) |
14.07.2016 01:00:24 |
Exchange Rate
(DMCISExchangeRate) |
24.01.2025 02:00:20 |
Specific Circumstances
(DMCISSpecificCircumstances) |
01.02.2016 09:33:55 |
Transport Charges Payment
(DMCISTransportChargesPayment) |
01.02.2016 09:33:56 |
Cancel Reason
(DMCISCancelReason) |
09.08.2019 01:00:04 |
Attachment Type
(DMCISAttachmentType) |
18.04.2019 14:25:01 |
Exite Type
(DMCISExitType) |
18.04.2019 14:25:03 |
Simplified Procedure State
(DMCISSimplifiedProcedureState) |
18.04.2019 14:25:05 |
Message Type
(DMENUMMessageType) |
19.12.2019 01:00:58 |
Error Type
(DMENUMErrorType) |
12.03.2019 01:00:59 |
(ECS2CISLocode) |
09.01.2025 02:00:29 |
Dangerous Goods
(ECS2CISUNDangerousGoods) |
14.02.2025 02:01:00 |
Country Configuration (ECS2)
(ECS2CountryConfiguration) |
31.05.2018 01:00:13 |
UNDangerousGoodsDate (ICS
(ICSCISUNDangerousGoods) |
14.02.2025 02:01:34 |
Country (ICS
(ICSCISCountry) |
10.01.2025 02:00:23 |
CountryConfiguration (ICS
(ICSCountryConfiguration) |
17.05.2016 01:00:35 |
AdditionalData (ICS
(ICSCISAdditionalData) |
04.10.2024 02:01:31 |
Document Type (ICS)
(ICSCISDocumentType) |
17.02.2025 02:02:12 |
Package Kind (ICS)
(ICSCISPackageKind) |
24.10.2024 02:00:19 |
Specific Circumstance (ICS)
(ICSCISSpecificCircumstance) |
30.09.2022 02:00:16 |
(ICSCISTransportChargesPayment) |
25.10.2024 02:01:50 |
TransportMode (ICS)
(ICSCISTransportMode) |
04.10.2024 02:01:35 |
ErrorCode (ICS)
(ICSCISXMLErrorCode) |
17.05.2016 01:00:34 |
Stavy CV
(DMCISState) |
10.12.2019 11:39:21 |
Additions Code(EDO)
(EDO.DMCISAdditionsCode) |
28.06.2016 14:22:40 |
Valuations Indicators(EDO)
(EDO.DMCISValuationsIndicators) |
22.06.2016 15:50:03 |
Guarantee Type(EDO)
(EDO.DMCISGuaranteeType) |
30.06.2021 23:56:48 |
Procedure Combination(EDO)
(EDO.DMCISProcedureCombination) |
22.06.2016 15:50:04 |
(EDO.DMCISProcedure) |
22.06.2016 15:50:05 |
(EDO.DMCISPreference) |
22.06.2016 15:50:04 |
Message Type(EDO)
(EDO.DMENUMMessageType) |
01.07.2016 15:07:00 |
Simplified Procedure State(EDO)
(EDO.DMCISSimplifiedProcedureState) |
23.11.2016 10:11:45 |
Goods Location Code (EDO)
(EDO.DMCISGoodsLocationCode) |
01.07.2021 09:48:35 |
Attachment Type (EDO)
(EDO.DMCISAttachmentType ) |
18.04.2019 14:11:27 |
Execution Code (EDO)
(EDO.DMCISExecutionCode ) |
08.12.2019 02:30:46 |
Control State (EDO)
(EDO.DMCISControlState ) |
08.12.2019 02:30:47 |
Result Code (EDO)
(EDO.DMCISResultCode ) |
08.12.2019 02:30:48 |
Customs declaration states - eCommerce
(ECM.DMCISState ) |
30.06.2021 23:35:10 |
Interrupts states of automated processing - eCommerce
(ECM.DMCISSimplifiedProcedureState ) |
30.06.2021 23:35:11 |
Cancel reason - eCommerce
(ECM.DMCISCancelReason) |
14.07.2021 01:30:04 |
Accepted nomenclatures - eCommerce
(ECM.AcceptedHSNomenclature) |
15.02.2025 01:30:26 |
Rejected nomenclatures eCommerce
(ECM.RejectedHSNomenclature) |
15.02.2025 01:30:27 |
Certificates - eCommerce
(ECM.DMCISCertificate) |
01.10.2023 01:30:03 |
Functional errors - eCommerce
(ECM.DMENUMErrorType) |
30.06.2021 23:35:18 |
Type of controls eCommerce
(ECM.DMCISControlType) |
30.06.2021 23:35:18 |
Additional Code
(TAR.AdditionalCode) |
17.02.2025 02:02:24 |
Additional Code Type
(TAR.AdditionalCodeType) |
24.10.2024 02:00:56 |
(TAR.Certificate) |
14.02.2025 02:02:11 |
Certificate Type
(TAR.CertificateType) |
24.10.2024 02:00:57 |
Measurement Unit
(TAR.MeasurementUnit) |
30.01.2025 02:00:08 |
(TAR.Country) |
24.10.2024 02:00:59 |
Country Group
(TAR.CountryGroup) |
24.10.2024 02:01:02 |
(TAR.Nomenclature) |
11.02.2025 02:02:57 |
Declarable nomenclature
(TAR.DeclarableNomenclature) |
17.02.2025 02:03:48 |